Detailed photograph of the circular cladding on the Birmingham Bullring shopping center.

Welcome to my portfolio!

About Me

Hi, my name’s Oliver Drew, and I’m a Web Developer based in Birmingham, UK. I am currently learning to code with the University of Birmingham’s Web Development Bootcamp.

I have an interest in web applications that use mapping and spatial data. This is due to my background in Geographic Information Systems which I studied at the University of Southampton during my Master's degree.

I recently worked as part of a team to develop a restaurant locating application, called Birmingham Association Banquets. As part of this project it was my role to implement the map using the OpenLayers 6 mapping library. You can see a live demo of the project below.

Please get in contact if you would like to learn more about me and my work.



An image showing linking dots


Node, Express, MySQL, and Handlebars

An overhead photo of a burger restaurant table


Travel Advisor API and OpenLayers

A table covered in old technology

Tech Blog

Express, MySQL, and Handlebars

A screen showing green computer code.

JavaScript Quiz Game

JavaScript and Bootstrap

Mountains with large clouds gathering above them

Weather Dashboard

OpenWeather API

A computer screen with the words Do More on the screen

Work Day Planner

JQuery and Javascript

Various scrabble letter tiles scattered across a table

Word Guess

JavaScript and Bootstrap